Jump Aboard the Love Train!
What Is The Love Train?
As the O’Jays first sang way back in 1972:
“People all over the world (you don’t need no money)
Join hands (come on)
Start a love train, love train (don’t need no ticket, come on)”
The Love Train was, and always will be about each one of us recognizing that the truth of who we are is LOVE! When we embrace this truth, it changes everything! We treat ourselves more lovingly. We treat others with greater kindness and respect. We have compassion for all living things. We see through the eyes of love. We accept this world as transitory. We no longer feel weighed down by the challenges of daily life.
“Start a love train (come on, train), love train
All of you brothers over in Africa
Tell all the folks in Egypt, and Israel, too…”
The times that we are presently experiencing challenge us to either collapse in despair, to distract ourselves through food, alcohol, shopping, Netflix or any number of addictive behaviours, or to embrace the Love Revolution. Just as the pandemic is a worldwide dis – ease, love is the worldwide answer.
I know that you want to become the kind of person who is described as being loving. It really sucks when life feels overwhelming. We know, we sometimes feel it too! You deserve to live free of stress, anxiety and depression. The world needs your unbridled love more than ever. The Love Train will show you, step by step, how to put into effect the practices that will release your joyful spirit.
Come and join us on the Love Train as we learn how to:
- re-write our story
- change our habitual thought patterns
- embrace the beauty of who we are
- attract people into our lives who will recognize, celebrate, encourage, and
- celebrate our glorious truth.
Let Mark and Meg tell you about how my previous workshops have helped them:
“This course was foundational for me. It provided me with the tools to experience forgiveness and self-love in a way I never thought possible. If you want to make room in your life for more joy, I highly recommend it!” (Meg)
“I would definitely recommend this workshop! I would like to stress that for those who aren’t accustomed to this kind of personal growth, you will need an open mind. We all took something powerful away. We took the information and experience into our head and hearts for the weeks, months and years to come.” (Mark)
Here’s what you can expect:
- 5 weeks of daily videos, beginning Oct. 5 (25 in all), which will be available on our private Facebook page.
- 6 Sunday Zoom calls, beginning Oct. 4, which will allow you to engage with other participants and ask questions about the week’s material
- 2 live meetings out of doors, presently scheduled for Oct. 10 and 17 from 12:00 – 2:00, with Oct. 24 reserved for rainout days.
- For those who cannot make the live meetings, we will have a video and handout for you to engage with a friend, or on your own.
- 50 plus page booklet with all slides
*** You will be working with a partner to process each day’s work. If you do not sign up with a partner, you will be assigned someone to work with.
All this for only $150! Save $25, register with a friend, for only $125 each!
Here’s the Love Certified Guaranteed Satisfaction Plan:
I guarantee that these practices will work if you make a purposeful effort to apply them. They are simple, yet powerful. They will bring you jaw dropping results if you put them into your life. If you do all the work as suggested, and do not experience transformative results in the first week, we will give you a 100% refund, no questions asked.
Listen to this version of the song on YouTube. You can’t help but feel inspired.
This song perfectly demonstrates how, when we are living in love, we can literally change the world! Just think about all the children on the video who have been impacted by these amazing programmes. Each one of us also has the ability to inspire those around us to live the lives they love. We, like ripples on a pond, touch the lives of those we encounter in powerful ways.
“Please don’t miss this train at the station
‘Cause if you miss it, I feel sorry, sorry for you”
Still not sure? It’s sad to think that you might miss out on this wonderful opportunity! It’s just plain wrong for you and your loved ones to let this train go by without you! We want to help you to live the life you love. We stand behind The Love Train. Jump on board today. You will be glad you did! Regis
Finding Freedom Through Forgiveness
I believe that you want and deserve the following:
- freedom from the pain and upset
- complete peace of mind
- the ability to protect yourself from having this kind of thing happen again.
Here is what you will get when you sign up for my workshop:
- a full 25 days of videos, which means that you can take the course at your own pace.
- a 20 page course booklet, which allows you to revisit the slides over and over again.
- lifetime access to the videos, which allows you to redo all or part of the course whenever sticky resentments present themselves.
- 5 Sunday group Zoom calls to address any areas that you didn’t understand during the daily lessons.
- an opportunity to work with a like-minded community. You will see how you are not alone in doing this kind of work.
If I were to guess the top 6 questions or objections that you might have about buying my workshop, they would be:
I can’t afford this program.
I’m not sure if I can fit this into my schedule.
I’m not sure that it will help me.
I’m afraid of what will happen to me if I forgive others.
There’s a lot of free stuff online right now.
I don’t want to share my personal stuff with a bunch of strangers.
So, here’s how I would clear these up for you:
- Save $25 by inviting a friend to join you. If you want, you can pay $30 a week for 4 weeks, or if registering with a friend, $30 a week for 3 weeks.
- Take the programme at your own pace. If you miss a day, simply do two the next day, or even save several up to do all at once.
- If you do all of the exercises, as suggested, meaning, one a day, including watching the video, doing the journal exercises, and meeting with your partner, and do not feel some relief at the end of the first week, I will gladly refund all of your money. Please note that I will ask to see evidence that you have completed all of the suggested work, as recommended if you think you might choose this option.
- Many of us worry that we won’t know who we are because we have learned to identify ourselves as victims of what others have done to us. I’ve got you covered there! We will learn that every one of us are beautiful, delightful spirits, full of love and light. This workshop will help you to uncover everything that has blocked your light, and enable you to shine forth as the wonderful person that you truly are.
- This programme offers you structure, materials and support that no free programme is able to offer.
- You do not have to share anything that you do not want to. You are encouraged to work with a partner of your own choosing. If you do not have a partner and would like one, I will arrange that for you. If you prefer to work alone, that is okay too, although your results will be better if you take the chance to talk it out with someone.
I want you to be completely without risk, so here’s my guarantee.
If you are not completely satisfied after the first week, and can show that you have completed all of the suggested exercises, I will give you a full refund.
Once you decide to get started here’s what’s going to happen.
- The daily video and instructions will be posted on our private Facebook page. You will:
a) listen to a 10 – 15 minute talk
b) be guided through a daily journal writing exercise
c) be encouraged to discuss your journal writing with your partner
d) be encouraged to put what you are learning into immediate practice.
- Our weekly meetup will be at 11:00 am Sunday mornings.
You need to do this right now, because you deserve to be free of resentments right now. Plus, this workshop is only offered twice a year. You don’t want to waste another minute carrying around old baggage! This offer closes at midnight, May 3. Don’t delay, register now!
Here is what previous workshop participants had to say about this workshop when it was presented live:
It was a no brainer to sign up for the Forgiveness Workshop, because I desperately needed it and I had come to know Arlene as a gifted leader. I hesitated momentarily because of the cost, but I realized that I would do anything to be free of what was consuming me.
Lack of forgiveness was completely crippling me, but I just couldn’t get past it. It was so toxic and disruptive. It hung in every aspect of my life, robbing me of joy, freedom, peace and happiness. It had become an obsession.
There was a person I really wanted to forgive, but I just couldn’t get there. After attending the retreat and completing the work, I am now able to communicate and have a relationship without anger, fear and resentment hanging in the background. I learned it is important for me to establish healthy boundaries. If I hadn’t come to Arlene’s workshop, I couldn’t have done that.
As a result of the forgiveness workshop, I definitely have found a new freedom and happiness. That old story is gone. It’s a miracle!
Another gift of the workshop, which was completely unexpected, is discovering I still needed to forgive myself for actions and choices I had made in the past. I had done much work on this and thought I had moved on but clearly found out in the workshop that I had not. The shame, guilt and profound remorse had become part of my being.
The forgiveness I realized was deep and allowed for major healing. It has transformed me emotionally, mentally and spiritually.My concept of self has shifted into a place of wellness. This was and is crucial. And although I have heard it and read it a million times, I realize now that I could not forgive anyone else, if I could not truly forgive myself first.
In the workshop Arlene presented the most life altering concept. Forgiveness takes action. I can pray all day long for forgiveness of others and for self, but I must take certain actions to actually experience it. I learned how love is inherent in us, forgiveness is achievable. A lifelong practice. I just needed to be taught the steps and given the tools.
Arlene’s powerful story gave me room to know that there’s hope. It broke down walls which I would normally put up to protect myself.I loved the partner sharing. That is a really important part of the workshop. It was nice to have someone I didn’t know, because I felt comfortable telling her everything. I think it’s a very God driven thing. Even though we live on opposite coasts, we keep in touch
Another thing that I really liked was the format; the symbolism, the visuals, the sharing. I appreciated the practical tools that Arlene provided us with. Rather than a concept, she showed us how to roll up our sleeves up and get into action. I like that we had the slides to take away with us, so that I didn’t have to take notes.
It made a big difference in my relationship with my husband because before the workshop, I was always complaining. I no longer see myself as a victim. I’m responsible. I like myself more. I made some mistakes, I did what I did. Today’s a new day. I don’t have to live in the past. I was telling the story over and over to my husband, my therapist, my sponsor, anyone who would listen. I now know that it’s not about rehashing the story. Once I told my story to the empty chair, I didn’t need to tell it to anyone else.
I would recommend this workshop to everyone, because I got so much freedom from it. And now, I can help other women with it. I think all people need help with forgiveness. Most of us have some sort of moral concept, but don’t really know how to do it. The exercises that we did, like writing the letter and dropping the rock were powerful. Forgiveness is an action that we need to revisit over and over throughout our lives. Arlene’s workshop will show you how to do that. (Pam J., Rhode Island, U.S.A.)